Name: Gigantis

AKA 'The Fire Monster'

Appearances : Gigantis, the Fire Monster (American dub of Godzilla Raids Again)
Powers/Abilities: Atomic fire breath, strength, endurance, incredible healing abilities (virtual invulnerability)
Weakness(es): None specific. Thwarted with an avalanche.

Godzilla's/Anguirus's roar


Gigantis is a meta-monster that only sort of exists in film. Some sources have suggested that Gigantis was female, though the American dub seems to only refer to Gigantis as male. In the continuity created by the American dub, Godzilla is assumed to have been permanently killed by the Oxygen Destroyer, with Gigantis being a separate monster. Godzilla returned to the American continuity in the franchise with [i]Godzilla Meets King Kong[/i], but originally skipped this movie according to the overdub.